Monday, December 28, 2009

Gee Whiz, Wally! Look - my very own blog!

My wife has had a few blogs for over a year now and is just wonderful. It speaks of how great of a person she is. I have debated so often about if I should start one myself or not. Welp, I guess this is me starting!

If you know my wife (her blogs are at and ), you will quickly find out that she is a much deeper person than I am. She will write about orphans, helping people, how our family is doing, various ministries, etc. Talk about intimidating when it comes to writing about things myself!

So, let me start off with an intro, as you may not know me. My name is Tanner. I love Jesus, am married to the woman of my dreams and we have 2 kids - 1 bio and 1 adopted. They both keep our lives hopping. Without them, I can honestly say that I think life would be dull! Holly will probably say the same.

I own my own website development company - that has been around for about 10 years now. Business is hopping, (DANG IT!!! I said hopping twice more) in spite of the economy badness that has been going on over the past year. I was going to be all professional and use but wanted a blog for my personal thoughts and feared that all my clients would leave me after finding out how nutso I am. :)

Being the left handed / right brained person that I am, I have many interests and hobbies. I enjoy cars, baseball cards, mixed martial arts, entreprenuerial ventures, movies, aliens/ufo's, good tv shows (I have a laundry list of them I enjoy, which I am ashamed to admit!), running, banana trees, things made out of clay that look like they are made out of silk, saying "sammiches" instead of "sandwiches", the gratuitous use of "y'all" and cheesecake.

The things that drive me CRAZY are inconsiderate drivers, Ashton Kutcher, people calling me buddy (which btw, does not give you a license to call me buddy when you read this - I will, much to your chagrin, not even flinch...though I may be grinding my teeth!), popsicle sticks inside my mouth (wood should never, ever go in someone's mouth, ever), when the cushions on the couch are not where they should be, the gratuitous use of "like" and cheesecake. Oh yeah - murderers, thiefs, etc. too.

That is me in a nutshell - and now you know I am truly a nut!

P.S. I don't actually hate the word "like". I just felt like using that to, like, totally, like, balance the love/hate


  1. Great to meet you, buddy! I like, totally like cheesecake, too.

  2. You are nuts! Hey, I bought a lot of nuts at Wal-mart today. LOTS OF NUTS!!!! When you see how many you may just say, "Hey, that's a lot of nuts!"

    I'm not kidding. I'm talking a huge bag of almonds (which you think tastes like wood, don't you buddy?), a thing of walnuts, and a thing of peanuts. I was in a nutty mood I guess.
